Falling Together (All That Remains #2) Page 2
Dressed in jeans and a form fitting black T-shirt, he looks delicious lounging on the bed with Lane asleep against his chest. I’m just out of the shower, wrapped in a towel and searching for my pre-pregnancy jeans. At least I’m back to my usual size ten. When I glance at him, he gazes at me with that smoldering stare that makes me want to tear his clothes off. He knows what he’s doing. Well, two can play this game.
I turn back to the dresser, drop my towel, and bend over to rifle through the drawer, giving him an eyeful. A surreptitious glance in the mirror shows me I have his attention. Leisurely, I paw through the drawer, choose a pair of panties and a bra, and place them beside my jeans.
“I know what you’re doing,” he growls. His dark eyes are intense when they find mine and slowly travel south.
“I’m getting dressed,” I reply as innocently as I can manage.
“You know Joseph and Troy will be here for dinner soon.”
“I’ll be ready.” His gaze follows me to the closet to find a shirt. Choosing two, I hold one in front of my bare breasts. “What do you think? This one?” I ask, grinning. “Or the blue one?” I swap the shirts quickly, giving him a flash of my nudity.
His tongue swipes across his lower lip, making me ache to feel it between my legs. “I prefer you as you are, but if you insist on wearing clothes, I like the blue.”
Casually, I move back to the dresser, turn my back to him, and pick up the tiny white lace panties. I’m taking my sweet time sliding them up my legs when he gently moves our sleeping baby from his chest to the bed. I’m in trouble now. I’ve just fastened my bra when his hands slide down my ribs and grip my hips from behind. God, I’ll never get tired of his hands on me. It’s like an addiction. His lips press against my ear.
“You’re teasing me,” he murmurs, his voice thick with dark promises. “Don’t try that innocent look with me, sweetheart,” he drawls when I glance back at him. The sound of his voice makes me shiver. I’m so affected by him, a few words and I’m at his mercy. His right hand runs smoothly down my belly and into my panties, while his other arm wraps around my waist and tugs me back against him. I’m pinned, my back to his chest while his fingers slide into me and his thumb circles and presses.”You’re so wet.”
There’s no hiding how much I always want him. All I have to do is think of his touch and I’m soaked. “Airen,” I moan.
“Mmm.” He continues his amorous assault, and I lean back against him as my legs weaken. I tilt my head, giving him access to my neck and he takes full advantage, licking and sucking at the sensitive skin. The front door closes with a bang, and Carson’s voice travels down the hall as he greets Joseph. Shit. Why couldn’t they be five minutes late? Airen’s talented fingers slow and then cease.
Grabbing his hand in a death grip, I press it between my legs and plead, “No, don’t stop. I’m so close.”
I’m left right on the edge, empty and aching, as he spins me to face him. “That’s what you get for teasing me,” he whispers. A wicked smile spreads across his face at my frustrated groan. “You’d better get dressed.”
“Airen,” I breathe, desperately trying and failing to keep the whine out of my voice.
“It’s time to entertain our guests.” He grins. “And don’t even think about it, darlin’,” he adds catching my glance at the bathroom door. His hand darts out to give a quick squeeze between my legs. “Mine. Don’t touch.” Bastard. I sigh and pull on my blue sweater. My heart has finally started to slow when he grabs me and kisses me hard, thrusting his tongue in my mouth and reigniting my need for him. “I’m going to tie your hands to the bed tonight and lick every inch of you,” he growls.
Oh Fuck. I’m going to burn up on the spot at his erotic threat coupled with that seductive voice. “Promise?” I whisper. My mouth is suddenly as dry as sandpaper.
“Until you beg me to stop. Every time I look at you tonight I’ll be picturing you spread naked on this bed and at my mercy. Think about that, Abigail,” he murmurs and leaves me standing half naked in our room, breathless, on fire, and extremely frustrated. The next few hours are going to be hell.
* * * *
A light kiss on my cheek wakes me the next morning, and when I force my eyes open, I’m greeted by Airen’s smile. Is there a better way to wake up?
“I didn’t mean to wake you. I want to get an early start planting today. Go back to sleep. I’ll see you at lunch,” he whispers, and kisses me quickly on the lips.
“M’kay,” I mumble, half asleep. “Love you.”
“I love you, too, darlin’.”
I’m awakened a few hours later by Lane fussing for his breakfast. After changing my little guy, I settle on the love seat to breastfeed. He’s taking his sweet time this morning, and I have to nudge him awake to encourage him to keep eating. Otherwise, he’ll be hungry again in an hour. It’s a struggle to get comfortable. Airen followed through on his delicious threat and while it was amazing, I’m sore. My shoulders are stiff from having my arms tied above my head for so long, and there is a low, not entirely unpleasant ache in my stomach that always occurs after a night of great sex and multiple orgasms. Last night, I actually lost count.
After Carson and I eat breakfast, Joseph shows up to collect Lane. “He’ll be fine with us, honey. Go back to bed. You look tired.”
“Actually, he slept a little better last night.”
“So, Airen kept you up.” I’m regarded with an impish grin as he takes Lane’s diaper bag.
“I didn’t say that.”
“After the way you two were looking at each other last night, it’s not exactly a leap.”
“Sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I lie, trying not to smile. Every time Airen came in contact with me he would sneak a squeeze or caress and whisper in my ear the things he planned to do to me. By the end of the night, I couldn’t make eye contact with anyone.
“Have it your way.” He kisses my cheek and scoops up Lane’s infant seat. “Let’s go, baby boy. Mommy needs some rest.”
“Thanks, Joseph. Bring him back if he gets too fussy.”
“We’ll be fine. I’ll see you after lunch.”
When I awaken for the third time, it’s nearly noon, and Carson radios to say he’s eating lunch with Jayla at Julie’s house. “That’s fine. Is Airen there too?” I ask.
“No, I haven’t seen him. He must be at Joseph’s.”
“Okay, be sure to thank Julie for lunch.”
“Yes, Mom,” he moans, as if I’m the most troublesome person on the planet. Teenagers.
After a quick bite to eat and a shower, I head to Joseph’s house. “Is my husband hiding out over here?” I call out, letting myself in the back door.
“Hush, you crazy woman, he just fell asleep.” Joseph grins and gestures to Troy who lies in the recliner, dozing, with Lane sound asleep on his chest.
“Which one?” I whisper with a giggle.
“I believe Troy has met his match,” he replies, regarding him fondly.
“Has Airen been here?”
“Not today.”
A frown settles on my face. “You haven’t seen him today?”
“No, is something wrong?” Joseph’s green eyes darken.
“Probably not, but it isn’t like him to skip lunch. Maybe I should go check on him.”
“I’ll go have a look around. You watch the kids.” He ties his shoes and practically sprints out the door. They must have had quite the morning with Lane.
Joseph doesn’t return for nearly an hour and the expression on his face isn’t promising. “He isn’t in the barn, the fields, or the smokehouse.”
“Perhaps he went fishing?” I suggest half heartedly. He would have returned to tell me and retrieve his fishing gear.
“Has he still been driving that little red pickup?”
“It’s gone.”
“He wouldn’t go to town without telling someone or taking a radio.” After all the time he’s spent lecturi
ng us, he better never.
“No one has talked to him all day. I stopped by Julie’s to double check. Troy and I will check the woods and the lake. Perhaps he just lost track of time.”
“Please, take a radio and call when you find him. I’m taking Lane home.” I try to sound nonchalant, but my voice is too high. It isn’t like Airen to just disappear like this.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s fine. We’ll find his lazy ass asleep under a tree somewhere.” Joseph’s smile is reassuring, but his face is tight and he paces restlessly while he waits for Troy to tie his shoes.
Eric shows up just as we’re leaving and hands them each a radio. “Let’s split up and check the woods. We can meet at the lake,” he suggests.
“I’ll walk Abby and Lane home first,” Joseph offers.
“Thanks guys, and be careful.” Joseph checks my house quickly to be sure Airen hasn’t returned.
“I’ll call you,” he swears, and leaves me to chew my fingernails to the bone. They search the woods for nearly three hours without a sign of him.
My mouth is dry and my voice barely above a whisper when I plead with them to keep searching. “Something’s wrong, Joseph. You know he wouldn’t worry us like this.”
“I know, honey. We’re going to drive around and try to locate his truck. He must’ve left without telling anyone.” He’s pissed, and I can’t say I blame him.
“I’m coming along. I can’t sit here anymore. Julie, will you please watch Lane?”
“Of course, dear.”
Troy, Joseph, and I pile into the truck while Eric continues to search the grounds. Joseph’s knuckles are white from his grip on the steering wheel, and his jaw is set as his eyes scan the landscape while he drives slowly up the road. My hands tremble and I try not to imagine the worst. Troy reaches to squeeze Joseph’s leg and his other hand finds mine. “He’ll be okay,” he declares in a low, soothing voice. My eyes are trained on the houses and driveways flowing by.
“What if someone took him?” I whisper, when I can no longer resist voicing my fear.
“We’ll find him, Abby. Airen’s smart. He’d leave a sign if he was in trouble. Plus, the truck is missing. Maybe he tried to go to town and got a flat tire or something,” Troy suggests. We’re five miles from home when I see a flash of color on the front porch of a small trailer, set back from the road.
“Joseph! Turn around! I saw something!” He looks skeptical, but puts the truck in reverse and starts back. “Turn here!” I order. Oh please, please. We start up the driveway and there’s Airen, waving and walking toward us. “There he is!” I shout with relief, jumping from the truck before Joseph can even come to a complete stop.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Airen exclaims, sweeping me into his embrace.
“I thought something terrible happened to you! We’ve been searching for you since noon.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I went to get spark plugs for the mower and the damn truck broke down. I think it’s the alternator. I had to walk about ten miles, and I just stopped here to look for some water.”
“You didn’t tell anyone! You didn’t take a radio! Airen, you scared the shit out of us!”
“I forgot. It was early and I only planned to be gone for an hour or so.”
Joseph and Troy catch up with us just in time to hear his explanation. Troy looks annoyed, but not particularly surprised. Joseph’s face hardens and his cheeks and ears flush a deep crimson. Before Airen can speak, Joseph swings at him. He pulls the punch at the last second, but his fist still makes contact with Airen’s mouth hard enough to split his lip. Troy and I look on in shock.
“You scared the fuck out of us, you arrogant asshole!” he shouts. Troy quickly gets between them, though Airen doesn’t attempt to strike back. He regards Joseph warily, as if he’s studying a new species of animal that may attack unexpectedly. His eyes widen at the blood that streaks his fingers when he drags his hand across his lower lip.
“You hit me,” he declares, his voice incredulous.
“Joseph,” I squeak. I can’t believe my eyes. I doubt Joseph has ever hit anyone in his life. His face and ears glow bright red, his hands are balled into fists, and the cords in his neck stand out. He’s furious.
“Come on now, Joseph,” Troy orders, taking his arm and pulling him toward the truck. “That’s enough.”
“Don’t you ever fucking do that to us again,” Joseph exclaims, his fear and relief warring with his anger. After glaring at Airen for a few seconds and getting no response, he turns and allows Troy to escort him back to the truck.
They talk for a few moments before Troy approaches me. “I’ll run him home and come right back for you two.”
“Okay.” It’s probably a good idea to keep them apart for a bit. “Thank you for everything, Troy.” A gloomy look of resignation settles on his face when he glances at Airen. His lips press together and he nods when my sympathetic gaze meets his. Airen may still be struggling to piece things together, but Troy understands Joseph’s reaction only too well.
“Are you okay?” I ask Airen after they pull away.
“I’m fine.” Gravel crunches beneath his feet as he stalks to the steps, sitting as though his body weighs five hundred pounds.
“It doesn’t look like you need stitches, but an icepack would be a good idea when we get home,” I advise, sliding my arm through his and sitting beside him. He remains silent, struggling to suppress the myriad of emotions that flit across his handsome troubled face.
Anger, regret, and disbelief dissolve into hurt while he stares into the distance attempting to process it all. I consider what to say to him, how to comfort him, and eventually opt to keep quiet. His pride is hurt along with his feelings. Besides, it’s not completely undeserved. As we walk to the road to meet Troy, he slips his arm around my shoulders, seeking and giving solace.
“Everything will be okay,” I reassure him, my voice soft.
He nods. “Are you pissed at me, as well?”
“I should be.” He nods again, his lips pressed together. “But it appears Joseph has the anger approach well covered. I’m just relieved you’re safe.”
“He’s really mad.”
“You scared him. He was terrified something bad had happened to you.”
“He hit me.” Anger flashes in his dark eyes.
“You know how terrible he’s going to feel about it when he calms down. At least you didn’t exacerbate the situation by swinging back.”
“Stop it,” I scold. “You aren’t going to hurt Joseph. You couldn’t live with yourself. In a few days it’ll all blow over.” Deep down, I doubt my optimistic outlook. It’s likely this incident will have far reaching consequences. I’m confident Airen and Joseph will reconcile their differences, but after witnessing the heartbreak on Troy’s face when he realized the depth of Joseph’s feelings for Airen, I’m not so sure about the future of Joseph and Troy’s relationship. It’s a relief when Troy drops us at our door and hurries home to tend to Joseph.
For two days Joseph and Airen have managed to completely avoid one another. Airen is moody and short-tempered so I’m not exactly surprised when Troy asks me to meet him after lunch. I assume he’s dealing with the same issues when it comes to Joseph. I don’t know exactly what he wants to discuss, but it’s sure to be an uncomfortable conversation.
We sit at the kitchen table, drinking iced tea. “I know you probably don’t want to get in the middle of it, Abby, but I’m hoping you’ll help me get these two stubborn jackasses to talk to each other,” he explains, exasperated.
A smile blooms on his lips when I chuckle in relief. “They’ll come around, Troy. They’ve been friends a long time.”
“Sooner rather than later, I hope. Joseph has been hell on wheels. He feels so guilty for punching him, but he’ll never be the first to apologize.”
“If you want my opinion, Airen should be the one to apologize. He made a mistake and caused us all to worry. I don’t think he�
�s really pissed over the punch. I think he’s…embarrassed,” I admit hesitantly.
Running a hand through his short brown hair, he laughs and replies, “It’s a guy thing.”
“Stubborn male pride,” I grumble. “So, any ideas on how to put an end to this pissing contest?”
“Lock them in a room together until they either make up or kill each other?”
We laugh together. “They’d both starve to death first. Let me talk to Airen tonight. He’s had a couple of days to cool down so maybe I can get through to him.”
“Thanks, Abby.” His shoulders relax and he takes a sip of his iced tea. I’m impressed and touched by Troy’s selflessness. He recognizes the connection between Joseph and Airen, and I’m sure it’s difficult for him to witness. Still, he’s more concerned about Joseph’s happiness.
“Thank you for helping me find him, and for all the time you’ve spent with Lane. You and Joseph have been a godsend, Troy.”
Running his finger around the rim of his glass, he smiles, looking embarrassed. “I enjoy having Lane around. He’s adorable, and I’ve never spent much time around a baby before.”
“Well, you’re a natural. He loves you guys.” After a few more minutes of pleasant conversation, Troy heads home to deal with his grouch while I try to decide what to say to mine.
Airen is preparing for bed, and I’m doing my best not to get distracted by his oh-so-squeezable behind clad only in dark blue boxer briefs. He smirks when he catches my gaze.
“You were staring at my ass,” he teases.
“Was not,” I lie. “I want to talk you about something.”
“That doesn’t sound good.”
“Don’t you think it’s time you apologized to Joseph?” I ask, getting straight to the point.
“Abby. He hit me. You want me to apologize?” His brow furrows as he frowns, and his lips are thin white lines. After pulling on his sweatpants, he perches on the edge of the love seat.